These are values that are important to us. Once these values are in place, we get the energy to lead, sell and create.
We believe that the chance of success increases drastically with:
• Assemble a small team of people who have an open mindset and who are passionate about solving the mission
• Who have an official value vision
• Management where it is allowed to fail and that supports innovation
• And the team can work without financial worries in a creative environment
1. The mission
The mission says why you go to work, why you start the project and why you should work hard to create the new product.
It is essential that the mission lifts other people/companies, influences positively, and is sustainable for the next generation.
2. Principles
Principles make it easier to stay focused. The people you work with will more easily understand how you want to act and how you make decisions. People with similar principles get along well and understand each other.
Our principles:
• Have fun.
• No jerks.
• Create the best product in the industry.
• Positive influence in the world.
• Teachable and curious.
• Tell the truth.
• Take responsibility for decisions, actions and results.
• It is allowed to make mistakes.
• Give back.
3. Management
Management will build a good culture, ensure financing and profitability, and hire good people.
All employees know the mission and are motivated by values and principles.
There are high expectations for management, and managers are up to date on best practices and industry trends.
4. Positivity
Conscious of the role of a leader who will lift himself and others. I am thinking positively and seeing solutions.
We believe that people with a growth mindset will more easily develop a positive attitude, which provides more energy to solve important tasks.
5. Energy
I believe in myself and realize that my efforts affect outcomes I want to achieve. It leads to higher performance.
6. Innovation
Innovation is people who create value. We believe that design can make drastic changes to business models (think platform such as Airbnb vs. hotel) and payment models (think Google pay per click vs. newspaper ad).
We are willing to take the risk of innovating.
7. Creativity
Humans are the most crucial resource. That’s why we facilitate good tools and workplaces that provide peace of mind and stimulate creativity.
We’re curious to learn something new. We encourage thinking differently, and we value creativity as an essential value for innovating.
8. Collaborators
We present our partners with pride, for they are active contributors to our mission and have shared values with us.
Our long-term partnership means more than just a financial transaction. The synergy effects on innovation and creativity together with more people are a significant part of the collaboration.